The Department of Chemical Engineering at Chulalongkorn University is the dynamic player on the forefront of chemical engineering technologies in the region today. We are home to a motivated faculty, involved in both pioneering chemical engineering academics and assisting Thailand industries. If you want to study chemical engineering, you should seriously consider Chulalongkorn Chemical Engineering.
The degree requires that you complete:
The core curriculum in chemical engineering of 9 credits
The approved and free elective curriculum in each division of 6 and 9 credits, respectively
Two seminar courses: Seminar I and Seminar II
Written and oral defense of a thesis on original research of 12 credits.
An English Proficiency test (CU-TEP) with a minimum score of 45 before graduated, if not they must take a course on English
the core curriculum in chemical engineering of 9 credits (pattern 2.2 only)
two seminar courses (Seminar III and Seminar IV) and afterward doctoral seminar in every semester
the required and elective curriculum in each division (pattern 2.1 and 2.2 only)
the writing doctoral qualifying examinations
the writing and oral defense of a thesis on original research
An English Proficiency test (CU-TEP) with a minimum score of 67 before graduated, if not they must take a course on English
Three exams are required for the D.Eng. :
The first is the qualifying exam which is taken within the first two years. They are offered in December (1st semester) and May (2nd semester), and are taken by most students after one or two terms in residence. The normal duration of the degree program is four years.
In the second is the general exam, the student prepares a written Doctoral dissertation proposal and presents it orally to a faculty committee. This exam is scheduled on an individual basis after coursework and language requirements are completed.
The final exam is an oral defense of the student’s completed research, following submission of the written dissertation.